
Equivalent fractions 

This week in Maths, we have been learning about equivalent fractions.

What is an equivalent faction? 

Can you remember any rules or patterns that we found?


A computing test!!!

Yes, that’s right!  We are having a test in computing!

All you have to do is…  Log in and send Mr Connolly an e-mail!

You will get points for managing to do each part without help.

  1. Login.
  2. Send a Mr Connolly a message.
  3. Add a subject.
  4. Use correct punctuation.
  5. Tell Mr Connolly what your favourite animal is.

When you have done that…  why don’t you use what we have learned about internet safety in a game!




Homework Projects 

Wow! We are so proud of our Year 5 children because they have put so much effort into their homework projects this half term. 
You all shared them with others confidently and have clearly learnt lots whilst completing all of the tasks. 
Although the some of you found it tricky to adjust to this way of doing homework, you’ve all done a fantastic job. Well done! 
Here are some photos of the projects we looked at today.. 


Greek Vases

We have been working extremely hard in Year 5! We have all made our very own Ancient Greek vase.
To begin with, we researched them to understand why they were used, their sizes and what colours they were. After that, we designed our own vase using our observational skills. The day after, we made the vases and paints them. They look amazing! 
What other skills did you use when making your vase?

What went well?

What would you do better next time? 


Year 5’s Assembly

We would like to remind you that Year 5 are showing their assemblies next week:
5S – 9:15am Tuesday 16th October

5C – 2pm Wednesday 17th October 

5D 2pm Friday 19th October 
The children have worked very hard to prepare for their assembly and it would be great if you could attend. 
Some children should dress up for their parts – they know who they are and what to wear. You do not need to buy anything new, old clothes are fine and you can also get creative if you would like to. 
If you have any questions or would like to know more, please ask one of the Year 5 teachers.
We are looking forward to see you at the assemblies 
Year 5 team

Computing E-mail E-safety Google Account


We want to make it really easy for people to know who we are so we can become very tempted to add our picture to our Google Account, but is this safe?


For some online systems like Facebook it can help people find and friend people that we know in real life.  However you can only have Facebook from the age of 13!

From our earlier work on internet safety we need to think carefully before we put images and information online.  Our school e-mail already has our name, school and so adding a picture is a step too far.

BUT we want to make it easy for our friends so we can add a picture of ourselves… Just not a photograph but an AVATAR.

An avatar is an image or symbol that represents you in the online world.  Today we are going to make our own avatar using one of the websites below.  This image is what we can use to be our Google profile picture.

When we have made our avatar we have a big decision to make with some websites…  Do we give our e-mail address to them to download the image?

What do you think we should do? What is the safest thing to do? 


Writing our legends 

In English, we have been writing our own Legend based on the Legend of King Arthur. 
First, we planned our legend and used natural objects and chalk to make a story map and retold them, making sure we included out targets . After that, we drafted our writing and used rainbow editing to improve spelling, punctuation, grammar and our Year 5 writing targets. 


In Year 5, we have been learning how to multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. 

What was the rule for multiplying and dividing numbers by 10,100 and 1000? 

Computing Google Account

More than just mail!

This week in computing we are looking at a few other really useful functions of our google accounts because it is more than just mail!

We are going to look at attachments and then the calendar function!

As with all our units of work there are things we need to think about to keep ourselves safe online – especially if we share our calendars!