

We have been using actions and a story board to remember a persuasive text from memory! Which of the 5 keys do you think you used during this lesson?





Year 5 Homework

Please bring work to school by Tuesday 4th March 2014.


Keep practising your timetables up to 12.

Complete the maths worksheet provided.

Please also visit the ‘MyMaths’ website to practise your maths skills.


Make sure you read over the weekend and talk to an adult about what you have read.

You have now been given your username and password for your ‘Reading Eggs’ online. Please log in and complete activities to improve your reading and comprehension skills.

We have been looking at persuasive texts this week, for homework, we would like you to collect a persuasive piece of writing and highlight the persuasive techniques used o make it successful.


We have been exploring all about fairness this week. We would like you to write about your thoughts of the word ‘fair’ You can also give some examples of things that are fair and things that are not.



Creative Curriculum

Traidcraft visitor

As part of Fairtrade Fortnight we invited a visitor from Traidcraft to come to speak to us about the work that Traidcraft does in different countries. We learnt about the meaning of the Fairtrade logo and about how Fairtrade honey changed the lives of a whole community in Tanzania. What did you ask our visitor?



Unfair games!

We worked together in groups to take part in a range of activities that helped us understand the word ‘fair’. IMG_0432 IMG_0433 IMG_0434 IMG_0435 IMG_0436 IMG_0437 IMG_0438 IMG_0439 IMG_0440


Keep on learning over half term.

At school, we subscribe to some really excellent websites to help your learning both in school and at home. So if you have a spare 20 mins at home, rather than search for the latest One Direction video or the greatest hola scored by Spurs, why not log on and use our educational programmes?

Want to help your reading? Then try Reading Eggs – just remember you are older than 7 so need Eggs Express. Go to the comprehension gym take the initial test and it will put you at the right level for you. You will learn loads of new words to amaze your teacher, friends and family. Your teacher gave out the password on Friday. Just remember that this website doesn’t like Internet Explorer! So try Google Chrome or Firefox.


Mymaths can really help your maths, from level 1 all the way to level 6! Your school report will tell you want level you are working at, so pick the right level and the work will really help you in class. As well as online lessons, there are mini homework test and games to help you learn. Again you have been given that password.

The last website is I am learning for this website you only need to know your name and when you are born to login.

Student Log in.
School ID: HOCV6
User Name: First name + Surname (all one word) e.g. BrookeHowarth
Password: Their D.O.B (format ddmmyyyy) e.g. 04072011

As much as I really enjoy my ICT and think that these websites are great, so is a good book or a museum. Remember you can visit the library and borrow books for free, and The Herbert and Motor Museum have activities on over the holiday for free or only small charge.

Have a good break.

Mr Connolly


Year 5 Homework

Year 5 Homework

Please bring work to school by Tuesday 25th February 2014.


Keep practising your timetables up to 12.

Complete the maths worksheet provided.

Please also visit the ‘MyMaths’ website to practise your maths skills.

Literacy and Topic

Make sure you read over the weekend and talk to an adult about what you have read.

You have now been given your username and password for your ‘Reading Eggs’ online. Please log in and complete activities to improve your reading and comprehension skills.

We have been looking at the story of ‘Bring the rain to Kapiti Plain’ in topic this week. Magpie some ideas from this story and other stories we have explored, based in South Africa to write your own story set in South Africa. Remember to

include clues to inform the reader that the story is from a

different country, use exciting sentence starters, adjectives, adverbs and your writing targets in this piece of writing!




Moths and Bats

We have been learning about how sound travels as part of our science topic. As a warm-up today we played moths and bats to see how important it is for bats to use sound and their sense of hearing to locate their food. Try reading the story of Echo the Bat:


Creative Curriculum Literacy

Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain

We used our creative storyboards to help us retell and the write the story of Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. We tried really hard to apply our writing skills from literacy and thought about what life might be like for people in a country suffering from a drought. What is the best sentence that you used in your story? How did the drought affect Kipat and his animals?





Sharing stories with Year 4

Year 4 wrote stories to send to us in Year 5. We were very excited and impressed by their stories and wrote a comment back to them about what we enjoyed most. Whose story did you read? What did you enjoy most about it?





Being creative!

We worked very well when using a wide range of materials to create a storyboard of ‘Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain’




