

Check out our uplevelled versions of our new chapters of ‘The Wind in the Willows’



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Toad voted to go to London so the took off to to London. Meanwhile, toad brought a suit case and they were very hungry. Ratty fell in a river and was shocked and said “oh my what is this !” repeatedly exclaimed Ratty, with a shock. After, they started taking pictures of Big Ben.

After a long time, everyone came out of the ocean. They were all wet,soaking wet. Suddenly a speed boat zoomed right past as it pushed everyone in the ocean except from toad.toad was happy,squirrel and foxy questioned weirdly that “What had happened?”

Toad invited ratty and mole for a drive to the elegant market,but, it wasn’t any old shop it was, Animal motor cars. The shop was awfully big, you could see the soulless building from more than a mile away. Less then a couple of meters away, a sharp turn occured. Knowing Toads driving you should think by now what would’ve happened next. Bang Crash Boom astoundingly, the fifth vehicle of Mr Toads had broken down. But Toad was careless about the incident and carried on walking to the massive superstore.

Later on, Badger, Toad, Ratty and Mole were marching on the boiling metal part of the plane. They were all very happy except for poor Mr Badger, who was praying for a miracle, whilst he was on the plane. He was shivering with fear! The reason for all of this was because he knew that Mr Toad didn’t have his air license. He was terrified, very terrified. He really didn’t want to go on this trip, as Toad might kill them all! Badger knew something was going to happen, something bad.

Toad who was very fast enacted in cars,brought a quad bike, showed all of his friend there eyes light up with shock. Toad shot an bow ‘n’arrow to tell them if they wanted to go on a journey to London a saw a big ben

“No it’s called a hot air balloon!Also we’re going to hawiaii!”loudly,screamed Toad.So they climed on and set of on their secret adventure.Sudenly they started to fly in the sky!They looked down to see every one as ants!the amount of food they took was shocking!The different foods they took were;cold chicken cold tounge cold beef cold ham pickled ghurkin salad French rolls cress sandwiches spotted meat ginger beer lemonade soda water and squash!
“That’s enough Toad”yelled Catty.”We are only coming for a month and you’ve brought enough for a whole year!”

Later on, Badger, Toad, Ratty and Mole were marching on the boiling metal part of the plane. They were all very happy except for poor Mr Badger, who was praying for a miracle, whilst he was on the plane. He was shivering with fear! The reason for all of this was because he knew that Mr Toad didn’t have his air license. He was terrified, very terrified. He really didn’t want to go on this trip, as Toad might kill them all! Badger knew something was going to happen, something bad.

“It’s my quadbike extravaganza! Explained toad , jumping with excitement,I purchased it.”marvellous we’ll done toad”said ratty happily making a weird smirk . Everyone was very exited but skunk ,skunk was scared . “I might fart “explained skunk . “It’s ok skunk” said ratty , it will be fine”

After toad cried his eyes out, mole started to feel sorry for him. Mole gently persuaded Ratty that they should give him another chance. Because toad wanted some ideas for his marvelous mansion, he decided to go to London to see the queens palace. They took a picnic

This is part of our story on wind and the willows.We made our own chapter of the story.

Chapter 2 the beach!

To celebrate Toad’s new purchase of the car,Toad,Rabbit,cat and lion decided that they would take the car on a test drive to the beach.
“Toad do you have any food for us to eat?”Inquired Rabbit.
Sure I have everything!”Roared Toad loudly scratching his bold head.
What Toad said was indeed true,he had a picnic basket filled with:-
*fizzy drinks,sandwiches filled with cheese,jam,tomatoes,lettuce,cucumber and chocolate.
Along with taking some beach equipment such as:-Beach balls,swimming suit,snorkels ext.
They got on the highway and it took them in hour at 45 minutes (1h 45m) to get to the beach.From the second they got there,the got animal shaped balloons and colourful candy floss.

Edited by Aliza!
Story by Sonia!

The next morning,they got a new motor car, which costs £50, was an a amazing BMW. All of a sudden, a marvellous salesman came and gave it to toad. Jumping with joy, toad got very excited ,while clenching his hands.mole and ratty thought it was an a terrible and shocking idea.

So they bought a glamorous motorbike and they took it for a ride to a busy London. ”Why are we going London?” Curiously questioned Fox.” We are going to the queen and we are going to ask her about the driving laws ” replied Toad

Bang! Something bad had happened. Toads car had crashed! He was not happy but was angry! They were flying in air and then THUD!!! Ratty and Mole fell to the ground they were annoyed, very annoyed! They had told. Toad not to go but he just wouldn’t listen … As always. When was he going to learn that he couldn’t ride a car?!

“Poophpooph!It’s butifull I want it,I want now!”yelled Toad loudly,as he was folding his arms on the floor,witch was hard. Toad ran to the garage to get a new car,it was a convertable.Instead of buying it,he stole it!Toad was audacious to steal a car.It kept on happening all over again!10 hours later…he went to jail!

By Akeel and Marija

Tragically,as they were thundering down,there was dark,dismal clouds placed above them.They looked like a bird who had just been shot;they were spiraling out of control aimlessly.Finally, when all three of them put on their colourful parachutes which reminded them of happiness and rainbows ,the quad bike stopped.Suddenly,without a moments notice,Toads mood changed and he was now amazingly happy.Rapidly,as fast as a rocket,Toad rushed to the quad bike and after a while of negotiating,they finally agreed on a deal!

Sonia I really like your story because it has interesting sentences!
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As it began to get darker and darker,the candles shut into the air and the night began to get thicker and thinner.When Catty woke up to get soda water,she saw thunder lightening filled the air.It was pitch black in the sky when the ground started to shake and the sea went into the air and came back down with a “baaaang”.It was only a dream when catty woke up with a wet face.

2 weeks later, the Toad brought another car,which was cherry red and looked brand new also,it was shiny .So Ratty ,Mole and Toad brought a picnic basket and went to the old abandoned river bank.Small Ratty was very pleased and quite impressed so was brown shy Mole.So they ate chicken,ham,Turkey,beef and salad in bread.

By wiktoria and rayan

Toad told his friends to go home and do something better. Quickly, Toad went to the vehicle shop to buy a helicopter. As he was running,he was saying I wish they have it with the colour red and blue. He ran to the helicopter and he brought it for ten million pounds and he got it delivered to his house for the next day. Excitedly,he went home and decided to sit and wait till tomorrow.

Toad,who was as green as grass,was very clumsy,very clumsy indeed.Toad insisted for Mole and Ratty to have a ride on Toads rather large carriage.”um -um are-are you sure about it”?Mumbled Toad quietly,whilst scratching his head.Ratty,who was very kind , wasn’t sure about it.Angrily,Toad yelled”of Croce I’m sure, who do u think I am a dumb bag of meet?”Toad,who was stupid, didn’t know how to ride a fully high tech vehicle!poor Toad.

After a while,every body was downstairs having breakfast. Suspisasly,Ratty asked Toad
“Why are you eating so fast,Toad?”
“Because I have very good news!”replied Toad.
“What’s that then?”asked Mole
“We’re going to go on a journey!By the riverbank!”shouted Toad
”Yippee!”screamed Mole like crazy!”
”Exuse me…did I hear we’re and journey?I’m not going!”

After a tiring hour, Toad eventually stopped saying “beep zoom beep zoom,”Instead he cheerfully stood up and yelled “it’s time for a new one ,something new ! It’s time for a motor car,”he said as he walked to Mole and Ratty.”I am going to buy a shining motorcar,which is as fast as a Chester!”
“At least we weren’t here for so long,” whispered ratty.
“True,” replied mole quietly so toad wouldn’t hear.

So astonshingly Toad,crept up to the shop keeper,like a cold blooded killer,trying to hurt him.The shop keeper, who was frozen solid,was terrified.”who are you I’m scared help me!”
“I am toad and I played a prank on you !”Get out of my shop!”Toad left in a hurry.

Excitedly ,in a high pitched voice ,Toad spoke ,”Come on over here,look what I’ve got !” whilst jumping up and down.
Looking carefully ,Ratty cautiously shouted “What is it ?Whats all the excitement about ?”
Beeping the horn cheerfully Toad explained “My new marellouse shiny yellow motor car that is as bright as the sun.”
“Nice!” Exclaimed Mole joyfully ,whilst putting his thumbs up.
“Oh thank you ,my new car has 4 doors is automatic ,it’s shiny,marvellous ,oh god the list is endless…Toad gasped as he was out of breath slowly as he brushed some dust of the leather seat! By Natasha &Tejveer.

Whilst pointing at the carriage, Toad yelled excitedly “This is fantastic. Look at this colourful carriage.You know that this carriage is RARE and there are on two more of these left in the world!”
“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear here he goes again. What’s wrong with him?” Ratty whispered, quietly enough for only mole to hear.

By Serena and Safa

Jumping up and down,toad shouted “look look” .whilst they were walking “come on in come “on loudly toad yelled.

By Safa and Serena

“Look at my new glamorous vehicle,”shouted Toad,whilst jumping up and down,rapidly!Toad chuckled “Isn’t it just marvellous?”
Ratty,Mole and Otter just sighed,”I knew he would do this again.”whispered Ratty,to Mole so only Mole could hear and no one else.
Excited about his new shiny car,Toad danced around it,yelling”It’s the BEST VEHICLE in the WORLD!Don’t be jealous,Ratty,it’s just a red and black,250MPH Lamborghini and the best car in the world.”
Ratty groaned as if he was snoring.
“Let’s go to the Dusty Ground Racing Pitch.”demanded Toad like he was the king.
“U-U-UH!”mumbled Ratty,Mole and Otter.
Because Toad was bragging about his new car,Ratty,Mole and Otter didn’t want to go with him anywhere!
By Sabaa & Faizan

After there exciting trip was over, they decided to make a move as it was getting dark.On the way back Toad was falling asleep and no one was there to wake him up. No one!…From the distance a fast car was making its way towards Toad’s shiny blue car… BOOM! BASH! CRASH! Everything had exploded…Alarmed by the crash,Toad woke Tejveer andNatasha.

“Ratty Mole look at my outstanding vehicle”shouted Toad.Toad added”this is the best vehicle you can even imagine”whilst pointing at his car.”ohh sighed Ratty.Toad enquid isn’t it fouler full bright and shiny.whilst rubbing his head Ratty mumbled”here we go agian”
“Wait we have to go to the dusty racing pitch insisted Toad.Toad,who was crazy,demanded Ratty and Mole to go to the racing pitch.Quickly,toad jumped in his car and yelled poop poop”come on in”screamed toad whilst starting the engine.
By faizanand sabba

“Come on folks,let’s run to the top of the big roof,exclaimed Toad!”Whem the 5 animals got there they saw a humongous machine covered in a silver shiny cloth which had red diamonds inplated on the doors.
“What is this humongouse machine “shouted ratty!

Whilst pointing behind a horse,Mole exclaimed.”Watch out Toad!” KABOOM!BASH!BOOM!BASH!CRASH!

By Ammaar and Abbas

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