Computing Spreadsheets

Let’s sort out data.

I need some data for our spreadsheet so I need you to play a game!  Starry Night to get some data.  I want you to play the game 3 times – each time record the score onto my online form.

From the online data – pick five people and create a spreadsheet that will record their scores.  I have put together an example below:-

Starry Nights Score Sheet

How can you find other people’s results?  Well that is easy – RESULTS – this is the real time results for the form!  How clever.

If you have time you can make it look very pretty.

Record the scores and then use what you learned last term – =sum(…) to work out a total.

Starry Nights Score Sheet1a

It would be really useful to sort the table data into order!  The computer can do this for you automatically.

First select all the cells in the table! – include the headings for the table!











From the dialogue box select how you want to sort it.









Sometimes in a set of data it is useful to find out what the largest – Max or smallest – min score is.











To do this you use two functions =min(..) and =max(..) – I have added these in boxes at the bottom of the table.



Swap a person on your table of result for someone else.  Can you reorder it?  What happens to the Min / Max?


River project!

This afternoon, year 5 will be completing a river project. Each team will be given a specific river to research and they must create a powerpoint to teach the rest of the class about that river.

Use the websites below to help you find some information about your river!

River Thames


River Nile


River Mississippi


River Amazon


Find your tree!

This website has information about a lot of trees!
Use the information to find your tree.


You also use these websites for planning later in the lesson:




Computing Spreadsheets Uncategorized

To =sum() things up!

Last time we used a Spreadsheet we looked at basic formulae and functions to let the computer do what it is good for… fast calculations.  Excel and Google Sheets have a special feature to make summing numbers very easy – Auto Sum!


The character before is from the Greek and is a Sigma, which in maths terms means summation!

You can type =sum( Then input the cells ) but you can also just click this button and it will fill it in for you!  But you need to be careful you are choosing the write cells.


It is always worth indicating that this is a sum either using colours and lines or a comment – total!


This is useful as you might return to the spreadsheet many weeks later and have forgotten or more usually the spreadsheet may be used and looked at by other people.

With your new found skills can you use Σ sum to solve the race-points  challenge?


Project time

Today, we shared our reading projects as a class. We looked  at each other’s projects and decided upon whose was the winner. 




This half term we are going to start using Spreadsheets, we won’t be using Excel, but an online version that everyone in school has! Google Sheets.

So we are going to need to log on to our Google accounts!

For the start of the lesson I want you to copy my spreadsheet shown, but complete it.Spreadsheet L2-1

Sometimes you need to make a spreadsheet more attractive for the user, so you can use colours and different fonts.  Remember… It needs to be readable!

SPreadsheet L2-2

The tool bar on Excel is very similar to Word and PowerPoint, so you don’t need any help with this.


The One That Got Away: the new version 

In English, we are going to create a new mystery story. Today, we read and analysed a very similar story to the One That Got Away, identifying any new or unknown vocabulary. 



By the Riverbank

This term, we are going to be studying rivers as our topic. We kicked off by creating collages to represent rivers and river banks. We used some different materials and thought about our colour tones.