Computing Hour of Code Programming Uncategorized

Crash course in coding!

Hour of code

Before we start building our own program it is a good idea to remind ourselves of the coding skills we learned in Year 3.  To help us we will be doing some coding using Minecraft program.

You will need to work in PAIRS one computer between you.  The other computers in the classroom will be useful spares.  In this computing lesson we will have a useful online STUCK STATION. the helpful HINTS box.  Use it.  Read it carefully it will help.

Remember to comment on the blog on how you found this lesson.

Mr Connolly

The Code Master!

Take me to the code challenge


Links for our Mayan and Aztec webquest

Computing Programming

We are games developers!

Today in computing we are starting our work as games developers.  When we create a game we need to have a idea of how we want it to work.  Lots of computer games work in similar ways and the context of the game has changed.  Programmers decompose a game…  break it down into smaller manageable chunks.

You are going to test three different games each that by the end of the unit of work you could create, but it will be your own version.

Flappy Bat

Simple Platform Game

Maze Game

Which is the best game?  Why?


Do you think you can do as well as last year?  Well have a look at the best.



American Explorers

Click on the links to research American explorers using the primary and secondary sources.


Naming the states

This afternoon, we watched a clip of a very young child who was able to name all of the states in the United States of America so we were inspired to try and name as many as we could. We used the outlines of the shapes of the states to name them.  



All Different, All Equal

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and this week’s theme is All Different, All Equal. In our Holbrook Heroes group this week, we  found similarities and differences between members of different year groups. We discussed how, despite our differences, we should treat all people equally and expect to be treated equally by others.  



Inference: Step 2

We have added to our ways to understand a text today. We used our own knowledge to add to the information in the text. There were 3 types of knowledge that we used today: text to self (where we linked the book to our own experiences), text to world (where we linked it to something we had seen on the Internet or on TV) and text to text (where we linked it to another book). 


Computing E-mail Google Account

Testing times!

Yes this week you have a test in computing!  Just like other subjects sometimes I need to test if you have understood what we have covered and are able to apply the skills.

So today I want you to log on to your e-mail account and send me a message!

The message must be correctly formatted – (Full stops, capital letter, proper sign off maybe even a Signature)

I would like you to send me a picture of your story (or book) (Take care to find a royalty free image) and say why you like it so much.



Developing our inference skills: Step 1

This week in reading, we are working on improving our inference skills in reading. This means being able to use clues from a text to work out what the whole text means. 

We will work on a different strategy for this every day this week. 

Today’s skill involved us asking ourselves questions, predicting what might happen and making ‘I wonder’ statements about a text as we read. We read one sentence at a time and thought of questions we could ask ourselves (for example about a character’s actions) and made predictions, using the vocabulary clues in the text to help. 

What did you wonder as you read? 



WALT: locate countries of the world

Good afternoon Year 5! Use this link below to complete your Topic work today.