
Monday’s learning

It’s Monday! The start of a brand new week! We hope that you’ve all had a fantastic weekend and made some fabulous memories with your families.

The Year 5 team would like to say a huge THANK YOU and WELL DONE to you all for being so amazing whilst being at home. We’re so proud to be your teachers and can’t wait to see you all again!

Don’t forget to send your work to our Year 5 e-mail address or upload it to our Google Drive. The links for these are at the top of this page.

Don’t forget to have a go at Mr P’s daily PE challenge by following the link at the top of the page. Get those muscles pumping!


The Space Race (1955-1975) - YouTube

Watch this video explaining the Space Race. Whilst you’re watching, write as many notes and key points as you can. You can pause the video whenever you like or replay it.

After that, read this information and take the quiz at the end to show your understanding. You can use the notes that you made during the video to help you. E-mail us or leave a comment with your scores we so can see how well you did.

So..who won? If you’re feeling super creative, create a poster congratulating the winners!


Practise your handwriting by copying out the text below. Think carefully about the size or your capital letters and your ascenders.

Screenshot 2020-04-03 at 09.23.14.png


Your maths challenge today has been set for you on Purple Mash. This week, we are moving on from looking solely at fractions and today will be revisiting fraction and decimal equivalents. Before you complete today’s challenge, look at the slides below to recap how to find the decimal equivalent of a fraction.

Monday maths 1

Monday maths 2

Monday maths 3


Monday maths 4

If you are still unsure, watch these three videos which explain the different methods in a bit more detail.

Once you understand these different methods, log in to purple mash and try today’s challenge, ‘Equivalent fractions and decimals’.

Remember, you can always email us at if you are still finding this difficult and we will do our best to help you.

There is a Maths Home Learning Links page at the top of blog. We would love to see more of you practising your maths skills on websites like Times Table Rockstars.


Today, your task is to get into role as a character and write a persuasive letter.

You are writing a letter, in role as Peter, to Tom advising him what to do next.

Follow this link to recap the book so far:

Think back to your learning from Thursday. How could you persuade Tom to follow your advice?

Here are some children’s work to give you an idea of points you could you use in your letter. 

How would Peter use different techniques to persuade Tom one way or the other?


persuasive argument

Here is an example of a persuasive letter:

persuasive letter example

Remember: You are writing, in role as Peter, giving advise to Tom.

peter and tom

If you are in a group with Miss Harris for English, remember you should be using your Lexia logins to complete some work on there.

There are also some English Home Learning Links in the top right hand corner of the blog. There are some exciting storytime activities on there as well as some illustration tutorials to help you enter the worlds of some of your favourite books!

Please upload your work onto the Google Drive so we can see how you’re doing!

‘Keeping in contact’ task

Today, I would like you to email one of your classmates using your Holbrook email accounts.I thought today it would be nice to check in with our classmates! Please choose someone who you have not spoken to in a while. Do not choose a friend you have already spoken to recently. Maybe you could email a classmate you sit beside in English or Maths, or perhaps a classmate you usually play with on the playground?

Your email should include the following:

  • A greeting 
  • A question 
  • 3 things you have enjoyed whilst being at home (the most fun)
  • 1 thing you are looking forward to- what have you missed?

Remember- Choose someone you have not spoken to in a while; check your spellings, grammar, and punctuation; and of course keep an eye on your emails! Make sure to reply so you can get a conversation going!

If you don’t know your friends email, it is

Here’s an example email below

Please Cc us in. We’d love to know how you’re getting on!

Capture email

Extra challenge- can you send this email to more than one classmate at a time? Have a go! Maybe you could send it to 2 or 3! Try and attach some of your work to the email too!

10 replies on “Monday’s learning”

Hi it’s Zainab here who won because at the end it doesn’t say I read and watched I don’t know

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